Anticancer – David Servan Schreiber:
David Servan Schreiber is a French Neuron Psychiatric and was a Researcher Doctor treated twice for “Malignant Brain Cancer“. He is recognised in the world as one of the leader of Integrative Medicine to help to prevent risk of Cancer.
When David discovered he was sick he tried to find a way to prevent Cancer, And also for him being able to succeed his fight against his Sickness. David passed away in 2011, braking all vital prognostics, living 20 years after discovery of his Brain Cancer.
All his book’s present his work regarding cancer but not only it help also to prevent other Sickness such as ( Parkinson, Alzheimer… )
Please find bellow few lines presenting an “Introduction“, “Overview” of his Guidelines, the best is to read his book to have full details of his work on this topic,
(It is important to see David Servan Schreiber books as an help to have healthy lifestyle and to reduce risk of Cancer but remind ourself it will never replace the opinion of your own Doctor do not hesitate to discuss about it with them)
David Servan-Schreiber : “On me demande souvent s’il est possible de résumer les conduites de bonne santé à quelques règles simples et faciles à retenir…”
David Servan-Schreiber English Translation you can find also on (Link): “People ask me often if it’s possible to resume all guidelines for a Best Healthy Lifestyle possible in only few lines simple to remember and follow. I tried to make an overview of all what I learn in this domain during the last twenty years of “Integrate Medicine Experience”.
“These few lines give an overview of guidelines. I know this guidelines works for me. I hope this guidelines will bring you also Joy and Happiness!”
Food Guidelines:

Go retro:
Your main course should be 80 percent vegetables, 20 percent animal protein, like it was in the old days. Opt for the opposite of the quarter-pounder topped with a token leaf of iceberg lettuce and an anaemic tomato slice. Meat should be used sparingly for taste, as when it used to be scarce, and should not be the focus of the meal.
Mix and match your vegetables:
Vary the vegetables you eat from one meal to the next, or mix them together – broccoli is an effective anticancer food, and is even more effective when combined with tomato sauce, onions or garlic. Get in the habit of adding onions, garlic or leeks to all your dishes as you cook.
Go organic:
Choose organic foods whenever possible, but remember it’s always better to eat broccoli that’s been exposed to pesticide than to not eat broccoli at all (the same applies to any other anticancer vegetable).
Spice it up:
Add turmeric (with black pepper) when cooking (delicious in salad dressings!). This yellow spice is the most powerful natural anti-inflammatory agent.
Remember to add Mediterranean herbs to your food:
Thyme, oregano, basil, rosemary, marjoram, mint, etc. They don’t just add flavor, they can also help reduce the growth of cancer cells.
Skip the potato:
Potatoes raise blood sugar, which can feed inflammation and cancer growth. They also contain high levels of pesticide residue (to the point that most potato farmers I know don’t eat their own grown potatoes).
Go fish:
Eat fish two or three times a week – sardines, mackerel, and anchovies have less mercury and PCBs than bigger fish like tuna. Avoid swordfish and shark, which the FDA says pregnant women should not eat because they contain a high concentration of contaminants.
Remember not all eggs are created equal:
Choose only omega-3 eggs, or don’t eat the yolks. Hens are now fed on mostly corn and soybeans, and their eggs contain 20 times more pro-inflammatory omega-6 fatty acids than cell-growth regulating omega-3s.
Change your oil:
Use only olive and canola oil in cooking and salad dressings. Go through your kitchen cabinets and throw out your soybean, corn and sunflower oils. (And no, you can’t give them to your neighbors or your relatives… They’re much too rich in omega-6 fatty acids!)
Say “Brown is beautiful”:
Eat your grains whole and mixed (wheat with oats, barley, spelt, flax, etc.) and favour organic whole grains when possible since pesticides tend to accumulate on whole grains. Avoid refined, white flour (used in bagels, muffins, sandwich bread, buns, etc.) whenever possible, and eat white pasta only al dente.
Keep sweets down to fruits:
Cut down on sugar by avoiding sweetened sodas and fruit juices, and skipping dessert or replacing it with fruit (especially stone fruits and berries) after most meals. Read the labels carefully, and steer clear of products that list any type of sugar (including brown sugar, corn syrup, etc.) in the first three ingredients. If you have an incorrigible sweet tooth, try a few squares of dark chocolate containing more than 70% cocoa.
Go green:
Instead of coffee or black tea, drink three cups of green tea per day. Use decaffeinated green tea if it gets you too wired. Regular consumption of green tea has been linked to a significant reduction in the risk for developing cancer.
Make room for exceptions:
What matters is what you do on a daily basis, not occasional treats.
Guidelines (No Food Related):

Get physical activity:
Make time to exercise, be it walking, dancing or running. Aim for 30 minutes of physical activity at least 5 days a week. This can be as easy as just walking part of the way to the office, or the grocery store. A dog is often a better walking partner than an exercise buddy. Choose an activity you enjoy; if you’re having fun, you’re more likely to stick with it.
Let the sun shine in:
Try to get at least 20 minutes of daily sun exposure (torso, arms and legs) without sunscreen, preferably at noon in the summer (but take care to avoid sunburns!). This will boost your body’s natural production of Vitamin D. As an alternative: discuss the option of taking a Vitamin D3 supplement with your doctor.
Banish bad chemicals:
Avoid exposure to common household contaminants. You should air our your dry-cleaning for two hours before storing or wearing it; use organic cleaning products (or wear gloves); don’t heat liquids or food in hard plastics; avoid cosmetics with parabens and phthalates; don’t use chemical pesticides in your house or garden; replace your scratched Teflon pans; filter your tap water (or used bottled water) if you live in a contaminated area; don’t keep your cell phone close to you when it is turned on.
Reach out (and touch someone!):
Reach out to at least two friends for support (logistical and emotional) during times of stress, even if it’s through the internet. But if they’re within arms reach, go ahead and hug them, often!
Remember to Breathe:
Learn a basic breathing relaxation technique to let out some steam whenever you start to feel stressed.
Get involved:
Find out how you can best give something back to your local community, then give it.
Cultivate happiness like a garden:
Make sure you do one thing you love for yourself on most days (it doesn’t have to take long!).

More Details from my own Experience:
(Loic from HealthInYourPlanet):
After few years trying to apply David advices I can see more and more books that get released in Healthy Lifestyle topics also call sometimes “Health Knowledges Vulgarisation” as Jessie Inchauspé mention in her book “Glucose Revolution“.
Please find here some information I wanted to highlighted or add to David books, These informations are my Humble Feedback, please remind yourself I’m not a Doctor but it’s few other topics I have Read in addition that might be good to explore also.
Our Potassium level intake is something we have to be careful on, (Further more if we follow David Guidelines).
By Increasing some specific types of food with high amount of potassium for example “Avocado, Sweet Potato, Quinoa, Chocolate, Tomato…” and in parallel, being dehydrated, “Eating too much Salty food” or “Increasing Sports or Activity“. The Potassium in addition to Our own Dehydration can create “Bad Chemistry Result” in Blood ( Also call as Toxicity ) and can bring wrong side effect as “Headaches” or “Strokes“.
Kidney’s regulate naturally our Blood (Potassium Level) by filtering it constantly it’s name “PH level“. More we are drinking water, more our Kidney’s are working at their best, our potassium excess get released naturally in our bladder through the urine and finally get released by going to the Toilet.
It’s reason why it is important to well Hydrate ourself : Drinking often : Water, Tea, Infusion. It help our Blood “PH” to get back to “Neutral Level” and not only for the Potassium also regarding : Salt, Sugar…
If you don’t drink Tea try to drink water (At least) every day:
Doctors are recommending for an “Average Adult” to drink approximately between 2L/3L of water a day depending our Food Diet (4L of water if we practice sports activities). “David Servan-Schreiber” mention the importance of “Drinking Tea” ( If possible “Green Tea” every day ) “Green Tea” is known to be one of the Best Tea for helping the Liver function, reducing risk of Cancer with natural “Detox Properties”.
Please be careful because Drinking Tea might generate “Sleeping Disorder” and “Anaemia“. But you can also drink “Decaf Tea“, “Infusion” or simply “Water” as workaround to continue to hydrate yourself avoiding side effect of Tea. ( Be careful regarding Infusion, some infusion can have also have side effect in too high quantity do not hesitate to talk about it with your doctors).
“Roiboos Tea” also call “Red Tea” is also known to contain “Detox Agents” without Caffeine. Roiboos would even contain 1/2 (Half) amount of Detox Agent compared to Green Tea. (Depending the type of it “Green Roiboos” from the “Bush” is containing more Detox Agent than simple “Roiboos”).
You might also have noticed Hydration level can depend about your Diet. Depending food intolerance, depending the type of product we are Eating if it’s very salty, if we reduce both it can also help our sleep and digestion process.
Light Therapy:
Something David mention in one of his first book: “Healing Without Freud or Prozac” Is “The impact of the Light on our Well-Being” Mentioning also the “Good impact” of a “Clock Light Material” (Link) regarding our Stress. This material is helping to “Start the Day on the Right Foot” as we say sometime to time.
Clock Light:

A “Clock Light” is sort of “Alarm Clock” but whereas “Ringing” in the morning a “Clock Light” will turn on the light very slowly as “Sun Rise” simulation. Because our body get suddenly exposed to the light even having eyes closed, the wake up process first get very soft and natural but also secondly is very efficient, and you can start and stop any time without so much side effect, if you test it, you will probably be surprised quite straight away regarding how it is helping to reduce stress.
The Clock light is also helpful to generate Naturally Vitamin D more information (Link). But something helping even more is the S.A.D Light.
S.A.D Light:

David Servan Schreiber mention also that “Light Therapy” Session are also directly helping S.A.D Mood Disorder and Stress reduction, often occurring during winter season, when day’s and light’s are becoming shorter.
Doing 20 minutes of Light Therapy in the morning help to regenerate Vitamin D naturally. Even more than Clock light as previously mention. By helping naturally our Vitamin D body production that help our Immune System, digestion Process and Mood. ( Not only Immune System )
(But please remind yourself the Light Therapy do not replace Vitamin D supplement prescription it contribute but never replace, you can discuss about it with you Doctor)
(Please remind yourself also at HealthInYourPlanet.com we are talking only about “Light Therapy” , “Sad Light” but not about “UV Light“, “UV Light” session are different level of Lights and can increase Risk of Skin Cancer (It is important to be aware about it.)
Our “Digestion Process” and “Transit” are very important in a way to reduce stress, even more than what we think.
As Giulia mention in her book “Gut” (Link) : If you are the type of person going to the toilet once day, you will probably avoid all sickness related to the Gut ( As Cancer for example ).
Transit and Bacteria diversity are affecting a lot our Mood, We mention sometimes our Gut would be our Second Brain cause of the amount of Nervous Connection and impact on our Well-being. Our Mood can be even affected for few days depending what we have eaten. Understanding how our Gut Bacteria are functioning permit to have better understanding to adjust our diet accordingly “Context, Situation and Family“.
“Farting” is also consider as something natural, it is not wrong to have “A little” fart some time to time.
The Book from Giulia explain the importance of entertaining Good Bacteria in our Gut. It is a book quite “Technical” but it help to understand the complexity behind it the whole amount of Bacteria. Remembering also, “What matters is what we do on a daily basis, not occasional treats”.
Try to Prepare Veggies for Each Meal:

Nutritious Advices list is given following the (Link), you can also find menu idea in the following (Link) it help to have an example of prepared meal for a random week with balanced diet.
A Good Tips can be found on the book of “Jean Marie Bourre” in case of having “Too much routine” in our Menu Diet, something that can help in this way is to plan your meal “Menu” but 2 Weeks in a Row.
By defining a specific day for each meal, for example “Saturday Lunch” – “Chicken Basquaise” Every two weeks in a Row, it can help to organise ourself preparing meal more sophisticate everyday by keeping some routine but also variation. It can be a nice Tips for Organisation.
Healthy Balanced Meals from Cancer Research UK:

Preparing 3 Categories of Products for Each Meal:
- 50% of Veggies ( Mixing veggies is good idea and also using good quantity of Green Veggies: Spinach, Broccoli, Bean, etc )
- 25% of Protein ( Reminder : Vegetarian protein are less absorbed than animal protein just to keep in mind in case you increase your activities )
- 25% of Grains and Carbs can be alternate to every meal ( Wheat, Rice, Potato, Pulse, Quinoa, Buckweat …) More informations on this (Link)
Do not forgot “Grains” in your plate. ( Culturally it might sound “Different” or “Uncommon” ) But if you do it you will globally feel better, Grain are providing lot of different “Vitamin” helping Transit, “Liver Function“, “Absorption” and “Weight“.
“The Pulse” for example, are containing lot of “Vitamin B“, if you try to eat “Pulse” twice a week, you will notice good effect quite rapidly.
Food Intolerance:

Food intolerances are sometimes related to a particular type of food that might irritate our Gut, it can be a specific “A prepared meal” containing an ingredient generating “Food Intolerance“
Food with “Risk of Allergy” are sometimes similar to Food with “Risk of Intolerance“.
You can find “Food product” shown as “Risk of Allergy” (In Bold) on Food Product Packaging.
( Food Intolerance is a difficult Topic because, it can afraid everyone, we globally change our diet by removing some type of Food product forgetting then to keep variation and diversity in our diet )
Leaky Gut Syndrome:

As previously mention also Pro-biotic, Pre-biotic and Oily Fish, Rapeseed Oil with their Omega3, are also helping to regenerate our Gut Internal Barrier named “Mucus” that is our Natural Barrier.
Some Person sometimes complain to have “Small Headache” or “Uncommon Pain“. It can be sometimes related to our Diet depending our own Tolerance.
That’s globally a sign of something, we have to reverify what we have eaten, try to find what might affect us, (Try to reduce it) but aso “Keep good diversity” in Food. We generally advice to reduce Food with intolerance whereas removing them completely. (It’s depend about our level of Food Intolerance our doctors can help with this investigation).
When we notice a product affect us but we are not sure exactly. A good way to check is to : Add the product in our Diet for One week, But then removing it the week after and then re-adding it again the week after.
It permit to have better ability to know what is affecting us to know what we have to be careful at.
As an example Dairy products contain Lactose, It’s a Food Product with Allergy Risk, you can find Lactose in all Dairy Product in more of less quantity. Milk will have more lactose than Cheese but cheese have to be eaten in smaller quantity cause more heavy in term of Fat and Trans Fat (Increasing risk of Fatty Liver Disease) (Portion of Dairy is recommended every day but in Small quantity).
But also something good to know is “Eating Cheese and/or Butter in the Morning” is helping our Body to restore itself, Our body absorb naturally “Animal Fat” helping our Gut to regenerate itself. (Butter is also known to be good for Synapse in Brain)
Increasing Tea help to reduce risk of “Fatty liver Disease” possibly also helping Transit also but TEA is increasing also the risk of Anaemia and sleeping disorder. We have then to increase some type of food with Iron Vitamin as Green Veggies known to have more iron, as David Servan Schreiber explain for example Spinach, Broccoli, Cabbage. ( See also information related to the Nash Diet be carefull regarding Diet cause it mean Restriction and can increase risk of YoYo Diet Effect)
Something good to understand is the Gut “Vitamin Absorption Process“. You can discover for example that Calcium Vitamin is in concurrence with Iron Vitamin. Both vitamin type can interfere absorbtion between each other, some other Vitamin can help absorption between themselves, Vitamin C help to increase Iron absorption. But despite this fact we have to eat Iron and Calcium in Correct level.
In any case, do not Hesitate to discuss about all this information with your Doctor. Each Wrong Symptoms or Uncommon Pain is important to be reported to your doctor. It might sound sometimes ridiculous but you might have detected something wrong a small allergy or something else.
Depending the situation it can be good sometimes to keep calm but double check and eventually giving sometimes feedback to our Doctors or even sometimes to the place we have eaten. (Sometimes it can help)
Be careful to the Food Supplements:
Always follow recommendation from your Doctors, Chemist or information provided on the Vitamin Packaging. Always ask you Doctors information even if the Vitamin are available without prescription.
The EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) is a technique of Hypnoses recommended by David Servan Schreiber also call as (Desensitization and Reprocessing) in case of Trauma helping with Stress.
But following some recent informations, EMDR Techniques, would not be so much recommended “If you are experimenting Strong Psychosis with Suicide Thought or having Heart Disease” Or in case of “Schizophrenia” Following Website Conso Globe (Link).
EMDR seems to have given good result following David Book’s but maybe try to not rush too quickly on this technique, ( It’s still new techniques). Some studies will be released soon probably. Do not hesitate to talk about it with your Doctors.
Try to Detect if you are in Danger to React Rapidly:
Taking care of us is very helpful to keep healthy lifestyle but keep in mind in some situation “We might not realise or forgot the Danger we might be exposed”. A situation can become quickly dangerous, completely out of our control.
- Your and Other “Personal health” is the most important in any case
- It’s sometimes better to leave a Place or Area with Danger by Contacting Local Authority to avoid Risk of Safety.
Contacting Local Authority is important for them to be able to continue to handle the situation.
“Keep Remember, You are not alone, Even if it’s difficult,
Try to find, Charities, Government, to help”
“Keep remember, your Health is the most Important”

If you like practice Mindfulness you can find some help on the following (Link).

Sugar Intake by Day:
David mention in his book that sugar is increasing “Risk of Cancer” but also other sickness such as “Diabetes” or “Risk of Yo-Yo Diet effect“, “Taking weight“, cause “The Sugar is calling the Sugar“.
David Servan Schreiber recommend to avoid to Eat as much as possible Sugar (Contain in Highly Processed Food as Processed Sugar) but keep continuing to Eat Fruits.
Dr Saldmann explain us there is a maximum level intake for Sugar for Woman and Man to avoid to cross: “25 Grams by Day in Canada following some website” but it’s depend also about your Country and Environment (Link).
We can see some explanation regarding this limit define as “A limit we can start to have cancer“. David Servan Schreiber advice even to do not eat sugar at all.
Something to understand, is we have to be careful constantly to what we eat, cause Sugar (as Salt) is everywhere, you are able to find Sugar in “Can of Green Been” indirectly increasing our Sugar Intake level without noticing anything. ( Sugar is used for food conservation and also helping taste ).
We recommend to always double check Ingredients (Link) ( Some application as Yuka can help in this direction )
“25 Grams” is a Sugar level can be crossed very quickly if we look at a single “Can of Coke 33cl” it is already “45 Grams” of Sugar (12 Sugar Pieces).
When we start to pay attention on that matter, having sort of mental picture in our mind help to visualise the amount of Sugar we are absorbing every day.
It help our Awareness and Food Knowledges by also keeping in our mind as David Servan Schreiber mention “What matters is what you do on a daily basis, not the occasional treat.“
Sweetener be Careful:
When we try to reduce sugar, sweetener are not necessarily the best answer because some sweetener are also known to be “Carcinogen” and some of them would also increase risk of some Cancer (Pancreatic for exemple).
Some Fizzy Drinks Brand as “Fever Tree” or “Karma Cola” contain less sugar by default. But remember Dentists are also globally recommending to avoid “Fizzy Drinks” as much as possible cause of the Acidity and Sugars aggressiveness for our Teeth’s.

I would like to mention if you start to build interest on Health and Well-being in “AntiCancer Topic”, Try to read some of David Books, all his book’s have some interest and explain chronologically his research progressions.
David first Books is one of the most important “The Instinct to Heal: Curing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy”.
His Book “The Body Love the Truth” is also very helpful to have an “Overview” of most of his Guidelines.
You might realise later on but it takes lot of time to understand all his books knowledges for ourself first only, And then it take also long other years to start to change some of our Habits.
Changing our Habits is long process for everyone, (Much more long that what we think). We have to be patient with ourself and people around us.
That’s also the reason why I created “HealthInYourPlanet” website. A Website give first possibility to point what is the most important. It help also to give information without being too much intrusive.
It help people as much as possible to be aware about all these informations. We are calling it sometimes “Health Knowledges Vulgarisation” mention by Jessi Inchauspe in her book “Glucose Revolution“.
Some other books get released on Health Topic every years and it’s “Very Good News” because it help people to improve awareness and learn how to take care about themselves.
Do not hesitate to go to your City Library you will probably find lot of Books in Health Category.
That’s globally a “Win Win” for everyone.
We might think people interest by “Health Informations” can be wrong, but when people are interest looking about Health information they generally turn to there Doctors a certain point to ask more informations. That’s generally a virtuous cycle.
David Servan-Schreiber Bibliography:
- “Healing Without Freud or Prozac” (Rodale Books, 2011) ISBN978-1-4050-7758-3
- “The Instinct to Heal: Curing Depression, Anxiety, and Stress Without Drugs and Without Talk Therapy” (Rodale Books, 2004)
- “Anticancer: A New Way of Life“
- “Not the last goodbye“
- “The body loves the truth”
Please do not hesitate to visit other pages from www.HealthInYourPlanet.com
You will be able to find other advices and Books on health topic : (Link)
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