
Lumino Therapy:

You will find in this page information regarding, Light Therapy, (SAD Light) meaning (Seasonal affective disorder) We can also call it also as “Seasonal Mood Disorder”, “Depressive Disorder”, “Winter Depression”, “Winter Blues”, “January Blues”, “Summer Depression”, “Seasonal Depression”.

Light Therapy is recommended to help our Mood in case of SAD Mood Disorder. Sad Light can help to reduce Stress, helping then to reduce Depression and Cancer Risks.

Light Therapy mean : To expose Ourself to an Artificial Light able to produce more than “10 000 Lux”. A Light Bubble 10 000 Lux can be compared with random Bubble Light of 100 Watts. But has possibility to exposed us to biggest area. The First Clock light contain only a simple Bubble Light of 100 Watts.

David Servan Schreiber book’s “Healing Without Freud or Prozac mention the Light Therapy to fight against Stress and Depression, Explaining the importance of Light Therapy. Practically Straight away in the Book. it’s one of the First Advice From David.

Sun Light Exposure (20minutes a day):

David, Guideline precise : “Exposing Ourself Arm or Chest to the sun if we cannot simply go for a walk exposing our head to the sun” to Reduce Risk of Cancer.

Having a Walk help also a lot to relax globally. It permit to regenerate ourself helping to breath and refresh ourself.

Vitamin D Food Supplements:

Vitamin D is a Vitamin generated naturally by the Body when we are exposing ourself to the sun, It’s also something coming from certain type of Food. It help to regenerate ourself increasing Immune System Strength (But not only, it’s also helping digestion process for example and so on…).

In the Beginning of the COVID Pandemic, Vitamin D Food Supplement have been recommended by Doctors worldwide to help to Boost the Immune System. Exposing ourself to the Sun Light permit to feel better that’s why it is recommended to ask our Doctors to do a Blood Test and verify our level of Vitamin D.

If we have lack of Vitamin D. Having Vitamin D supplement can help, but we should remember to always inquire help from our Doctors first. Do not buy Vitamin D without asking your Doctor first.

Light Therapy – Clock Light Helping Our Body Clock:

When we start to look at Light Therapy, one of the First Aspect to look at is “Clock Light” A Clock Light or “Reveil Aube Lumineux” is as any Alarm Clock but whereas “Ringing” Loudly to wake you up in the morning it’s waking you up very slowly with “The Light Turning on slowly during 30 minutes“.

It have two very important good influence.

The first important influence is : Exposing ourself to Light increase our Vitamin D a Reduce Stress

First the good aspect is it Reduce our Stress level further more in the Morning by waking up very slowly and starting to exposed from first hours to strong light rewarming ourself increasing our Vitamin D and Calming ourself in the Morning in the moment we are the more stressed.

Human have been evolved naturally by exposing themselves to the Sun Light. There was no Alarm Clock in Prehistoric Ages. The problem of Sun Light is it’s taking more than 30 minutes to get sunny that’s sometimes difficult to define same specific hour to wake up in the morning. Also our Ancestor were not waking up themselves with Sounds or Rung for 2 Seconds. So finally Clock Light make us come back to a simulation of Natural Wake Up.

You will be surprised but it’s very very lot reducing stress. As the expression mention it’s “Helping us to wake up on the right foot” , “Nous aide a se lever du bon pied”

The second important influence is : Exposing to Slow Light in the Morning help to readjust more easily our natural Body Clock.

Sometimes we might have bad Night and do not wake up at 8am for exemple on the week end going out. This change sometimes make our Natural Body Clock Changing slowly that can affect our Sleep making our Sleep Body Clock moving to more late Hours.

This is very important cause to have a Good Sleep you need to have good Sleep Patern, Go to sleep everyday at the same hours and so on.. We say sometimes go to sleep before midnight will multiply the hours of Sleep By Two. The first hours of sleep are very important.

The Light as David Servan Schreiber mention in his book is Simulating the Sun. With Clock Light we generally have better insurance to wake up. Optional Radio can be Turn on in some model. So you can be sure when the Light is Turning on slowly and after 30 minutes The Radio or Music will run that will wake you up as normal Allarm clock.

Clock Lights are quite expensive but something that might help you is to realise you are not buying Clock Light Every Year it’s generally something you are keeping for long as 10 years or so (You have also possibility to find Better Price on other Brand depending on some other website)

Lumie Clock Light:

Philips Clock Light:

When you are interest by Clock Light you can have a look also to SAD Light (SAD meaning : Seasonal affective disorder) Sad Light Permit to complement the Clock Light Influence for Seasonal Affective Disorder.

Lumino Therapy – SAD / Bright Light Therapy:

SAD light permit to do Light Therapy. You can take a book and Read in Front of a SAD Light in the Morning during 10 minutes you can also Eat in front of the Light.

The Light Therapy is even more helping Mood avoiding SAD Feeling, Dark Idea ( “Idée Noir” in French ) or Sadness. It’s complementary with Clock Light you can do both it’s not wrong it’s unversed it’s recommended.

You can find different Brand of SAD Light :

The only Side effect that is mention Regarding Light Therapy is apparently exposing ourself to SAD Light might Reduce (A little) the Skin Light Absorption from our skin exposed. But it’s the only the side effect explain and only a little one.

Cause the Skin of our Face is adapting slowly to the Led Light, Stopping to expose ourself to a Sad Light and then slowly re-adapt ourself to the Sun Light will probably avoid this Side Effect.

Something to remember is SAD Light, Clock Light, Vitamin D Supplement, can help us regarding Light therapy. But remember in any case it will never replace completely Sun Exposure basically going outside walking feeling the fresh Air and Oxygen will be missing in some way. Light Therapy is Complementary not replacing Sun Light Exposure.

SAD Light and Light Therapy are quite popular in Northern Countries part of the world at the North Pole cause the Sun is missing enlightenment during 6 months of the year. Scandinavian and Northern European countries are also known to Measure Happiness as “PIB”. Helping to mesure and improve happiness for the population.

Something good to know also Regarding Sun Light Exposition is we might think going in Southern Country is much more advantageous cause of Enlightenment of the Southern country. Of course Enlightenment will be better but in Southern Countries population have also Vitamin D deficiency.

Southern Country are known to have very important amount of population with lack of Vitamin D, cause of the hot temperature people cannot afford to go so much outside. So it’s practically the same as Nothern Countries in the End.

Something also important to know is “Sad Light“, “Light Therapy” are different from “UV Light” exposure. U.V light is too strong in term of exposition and increase Risk of Skin Cancer.

UV Light Exposure for the Body can be seen as Sun Capital Exposure. During our life we have sort of Sun Capital and more we expose ourself more this Sun Capital get reduce until risk of Cancer. it’s Because the Skin get Damaged with Time Slowly.

In any case do not forget to do 30 Minutes of walk Every Day. And do not forget to where Sun Glasses or Sun Cream in Summer if you are exposing yourself.

The Monty Python were saying in their movie’s keep “Looking to the bright side of life“. That’s quite funny Idiom. Because it’s exactly that, Light therapy is helping a lot in this direction. You will see only Positive change there is no Side Negative effect to this really. Do not hesitate to discuss about it with your Doctor.

And Remember try to avoid “UV Light” but Keep “Sad Light” it will help you to stay positive, reducing Stress and Anxiety


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