Sustainable Advices To Save Our Planet
“There is not Planet B”

How to Consume Safely and Sustainably?
Consumer Magazine in UK:
Ethical Consumer Magazine
In France
Around “70%” of CO2 (Emissions by Citizens)
Are only coming from:
Transports, Housing and Food.
11 Tonnes of CO2 Emissions spread by Citizens / ( / Ademe / / Sources 2019 Liberation)
Previous Graph Explanations
The Previous Graph give us an overview about
“The Carbon Foot Print Spread by Citizens.” in France year 2019.
Some Topics will have more Carbon Impacts than other :
Switching Energy provider to a Sustainable Provider can have a Very High Impact regarding Carbon Reduction without “High Change” in our Daily life Habits.
In Contrary “Food” and “Health” Topics are related to our personal health it will have High impact in our Daily life Habits and Well-being
Studies explain that reducing Meat will be oblige in the future (Anyway) cause of the amount of people Compared to the resource available and problems bring by Animal Mass Farming.
But Eating a Balanced Diet is also very important it help to bring energy to work on all other Topics, Transport Activities (Biking, Cycling, Walking), Housing, Energy Consumption, Growing Veggies… (Link).
Only yourself, can know, what you can do, depending your activities.
But be careful … Take your time. My opinion is do not rush to quickly to cut your “Carbon Foot Print in your Plate” (As First objective.)
Maybe first Learn how to eat a Balanced Diet (Link) and Focus then on other Topics
“Meat Alternatives” are not very well developed from now we call them “Ultra Process Food products”. Soja have maximum level intake by week (Link), Only few products are “Organic”. They have globally highest level of “Trans Fat” than normal product Increasing Risk of “Un-healthy Diet” and “Yo-Yo Diet” Effect (Link).
Focusing on your health can be a good first step to act also Sustainably
Loïc C. Health In Your Planet
Every Little Action Matters:
Giving Feedback
Help to Improve The World
Feedbacks can be compared as
“Message in a Bottle” or “Good Deed”
If you keep Ethics, Trying to Balance your Ideas/Feedback as much as you can.
A Simple Feedback can help Anyone, Any Group of Peoples, Any Company to be aware about anything Good or Wrong.
It help to Increase the aim of Possibilities for you but also other.
Everything get Possible then.
Charities – Websites
Reading CAN
Climate Action Network
10 must-read climate books for 2020
Climate Action Org
PAN : Pesticide Action Network
French Web Site – Book’s
From Julien Vidal
(“It’s All Start With Me”)