Health In Your Planet

Acting Perfectly is an objective and idealistic; “Mistakes” (Depending on) are:
“Human”, “Possible”, but then “Sorry” also;
In my opinion we never talk enough.
Loïc C. Health In Your Planet
About Me
My name is Loïc, I’m French Guy living in UK. Working and Studying in Computer Sciences.
This website have been written in objective to share Health and Sustainable Advices.

Personal History

After experiencing health issue in my personal history, my interest increase searching a way to improve my Health and Well-being, even more since I live in UK with the “COVID Pandemic”.
I did First Aider training, I’m not a Doctor, but I wanted to be able to share advices “Books, Informations” more easily to help others and myself because it’s a “Win Win”.
So much things to do everywhere. Please enjoy the visit, do not hesitate to send me Feedback and Share this Website around you.
“Bon courage”,
“Prenez soin de vous”.
Loïc C.
Health In Your Planet