“Health In Your Planet”
Defend Informations
with “Ethics”

What we mean with Ethics here, is, to try to respond to guidelines in objective to “Help”, “Develop”, “Defend”: “Human Liberty”, “Humanity” and “Sustainability”.

More we know, more we realise we don’t know.
Let’s talk with Philosophy (Love of Wisdom in Ancient Greek)

Declaration of Human Right is a Very Good “Referential”
to Re-verify sometimes.
Do you know it’s History ?

Lets take care about ourself, to take care about the world.
And let’s do our best to “Always Look on the Bright Side of Life”

“We never talk enough”
Let’s try to help Open Discussion and Freedom of Speech (With “Respect” and “Humility”)

“The power of the Universal Declaration is the power of ideas to change the world. It inspires us to continue working to ensure all people can gain freedom, equality and dignity.”

“The Future of Human Rights”

Alison Brysk – Book’s

“Reconstructing Rights in Post-Liberal World”

Alison Brysk present us two aspects from her book’s in this page:

  • Defending Awareness is “Virtuous Cycles” and “Process” Permitting to help “Human Condition”.
  • Helping “Freedom, Equity and Dignity” is also Helping “Human Rights“.

Our Ethics:

We are committed to promote Health, Sustainable Advices and Information in objectives to help people around us.


Helping people around us with health advices


Giving advices to reduce our Carbon FootPrint


Promoting Art Everywhere & Everyone.

Contact Info:

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