How to slowly reduce and avoid “Permanently” Chemical in the House ? (What to do First) ?
The first important guideline to keep your house sustainable is to check all the chemical you are using to clean the house, Then when you know what is use the second step is to regroup the in specific place or Area (Safe from Children) if Some are Toxic Thinking Bringing them to Wast Collection Centre. You can also Keep some if they are not too toxic and you might need them in the future. At least Regrouping them can be helpfull to have safest place and know then what to do.
- Please remember to never Trash any Chemical in a Bin and even less on the Sink or Toilette.
- Please Remember also to never trash any Nappy, Cosmetics or chemicals in your Toilette cause of the risk of contamination of the water and Safety, Health Risk later on.
To use in your house Sustainable Product there is 2 possibilities :
- You can buy new products more Sustainable (In Organic Shop for exemple)
- You can also do your own Cleaning Product Yourself (Some recipe are given in the following French Book as Example) ( Some cleaning Product are easy to do other are more complex ) :
Green Washing : French Book : Fabriquer Ses Produits Menagers ( Cecile Berg – Edition Laplage )
Where is the Contamination in the House ?
When you want to improve your house regarding Sustainability you have to think your house with “Inside aspect of your house but also Outside aspect of your house” to verify if there is Safety Risks.
We sometimes use the expression “If there is doubt… no doubts..”
If you have doubt about any risk of contamination in your House or in your Garden do not hesitate to verify it cause it will help later on definitely.
Something you can do naturally is to verify the history of your House and Garden, generally it’s rare to be the first living in our house, Historically the house might have been used by lot of peoples before. Sometimes even having not notice anything wrong by testing the Ground it can give us better information regarding the current situation.
Do really careful regading Garden Soil contamination you migh sometimes not having notice anything wrong and be very surprise.
Ground of Garden can contain “Heavy Metal, Pesticide, Herbicide, Fongicide“ without Being aware about your Children can be exposed and there health get at risk cause of this.
All people going to the garden can bring the chemical in the house, contamination going on the Paddle Doors, to the Windows, going on the floors Carpet in your house, going everywhere even until your plates if you had Dirty Hands when you add plate on the dishwasher.
One of the Big problem also to understand generally we do not realise the Chemical Contamination in our Garden because we cannot see it… it’s difficutly to a random person to be able to notice the difference between contaminated garden and random garden we have to realise something that is not visible and have a real impact on our health.
Children are the one the less able to understand what is occuring because children do not have Awarness they are not able to have distance with this sort of issue. Even for a random Adult we have difficulty. A way to notice ourself is to realise there is something different after going to the garden and being exposed. It’s very difficult cause sometimes Symptoms occures 1 or 2 days after being exposed.
An other big problem is to remove a chemical contamination that have been add on Something, Soil, Ground or anything Plates, Object.
As when we are at school in “Physics and Chemical” Class there is the expression “Nothing is loose everything is Transform” Contamination with Arsenic do not desapeard like this… The chemical have component that are persistant and Dangerous.. you can remove contaminant, but it will take very lot of energy to be able to remove chemical completely,
For Cleaning you have an option for exemple to Use Hot Water to be able to Clean the property properly.
If you are improving your Garden, you have to be carefull regarding your Exposition to the Contamination, It can be Swallow, Breath on your lungs, or Absorb by your skin, you have to use specific Material as White Suite Dress, Mask, Googles, Hat.
The best is also to Use Gloves finding a way to be efficient you have to ask advice before to go for this.
If your hands get dirty remember to wash your hand multiple time with hot water as much as possible, only hot water can remove contamination on you hand.
Take your time because if you mess it can get even more problematic.
A situation can sometimes get out of control. You have to think how to remove the product without adding it again on other place and being Sustainable without consuming too much Water and so on.
Garden Contamination are sometimes affecting your ability to think correctly, that quite vicious cycle because more you want to resolve your issue more you might get exposed.
Remember some critical situation need sometimes very big investment regarding Times and Energy. You can find a way to organise yourself on the following page “Link“. to be able to go step by step. take your time do not rush
Try to think step by step what to do to avoid to contaminate more your house. Try to seek help and think to your health as the more important aspect to avoid to loose yourself.
Be carefull also cause sometimes it’s better to change stuff bying new, to be able to act in the Safest way. Trashing sometimes is more safe than keeping things. we think to the money but not realising our health will be in danger. Sadly sometimes there is no other possibility.
Exposition to Contaminated Area Can Bring you lot of health issues.. Depending your age there is things that you should leave to people more stronger than you.. people with more ability to react. Do not act yourself alone in any case. People around as “Local Mp“, “Environmental Borough Representative” are with you to help. They are there dedicate for this sort of situation, do not hesistate to contact “Citizen Advice” also.
How To know if there is Contamination ?
Personally I think the best is to go to Laboratory analysis if you can financially if you want to verify what happen (Loic from HealthInYourPlanet) so you will be sure the Garden have been contaminated by any Chemical as ( Weed Killer, Pesticide, Fongicide, Insecticide )
A very good website that can help you in this direction is, “Pesticide Action Network” existing in Europe and UK, if you are searching information Related Ground Garden Contamination this charity will help you to find Correct Lab or Contact (Link)
It exist also “Specific Auto Test” more or less accurate, (The only problem of Auto Test is you have to know what you are looking for, to be able to test it.
Laboratory are more expensive but more efficient also proposing Professional Service in Safe Condition, They can do deeper analyse permitting to test all range of component as “Heavy Metal” “Pesticide” “Insecticide” “Weed Killer“. Testing your garden with objective to make Grow Veggies in Organic Way can be a good idea to improve the sutainability.
If you have some doubt do not hesistate. The new Century will be Sustainable, in any case, we do not have to wait the next Cop to act in our Garden. The governement will not have possibility to act in your own garden. It’s yourself you have to act. You are the only person able to improve your garden Carbon Foot print and Wild Diversity.
The Governement will be able to help but the first step is yours.. by discussing, questioning, acting..
The Soil Test Kit from Laboratory are costing between 100 and 180 pounds. By registering to the Laboratory you will receaved some material by Post Mail, you can then add some Ground in a Jar and sent it back to the Laboratory with high amount packaging to avoid Leak during transport.
Some Laboratory propose also Dust analyse from the house by using some material to add on the top of you Hoover it collect around “20 grams of Dust” that you can send with Packaging to the Lab and they will verify amount of Pesticide, Insecticide, Herbicide, PFAS, PCB all type of contamination.
And other way to verify if you have been victim of Contamination is to check in your Body itself if there is some trace of Chemical.
Body Contamination ?
In case you have been victim of Chemical Contamination.
The First person to talk to is your Doctors, depending of the situation, Doctors will let you know what they can do to help you.
- If you do Blood and Urine Test it will give you a result of contamination only from the last 2 or 3 days.
- If you would like to check longuer exposition some laboratory can propose also some Hair or Nails testings able to verify Chemical, Heavy Metal contamination.
It’s bringing other Risk regarding ADN and other test that are very sensitive related to Privacy please remember we are in GDPR and RGPD ( European Identity Protection Policy ) We protect privacy of people to keep this information sensitive safe.
This information can help to have better Scope to verify the Chemical Body exposition.
Some LAB’s in UK and France :
The best is to find a Lab in you own country to avoid as much as possible too much transports. Some Lab able to help you in some situation :
- Soil-Check for Ground and Soil Testings :
- A Laboratory to do “Soil Testing” in UK can be find on the following ( Link ). You can find alternative in France.
- “Kudzu” Lab for Hair and Dust Testings :
- A laboratory to do Hair, and Housing Dust Testing can be found on the following : ( Link )
- Pesticides Cheveux – Pesticides : 100 polluants – Analyse
- Métaux Lourds Cheveux – Métaux lourds : Mercure-Plomb-Cadmium-Chrome-Arsenic-Nickel-Cuivre
- Pesticides Poussière – Pesticides : 100 polluants – Analyse
- A laboratory to do Hair, and Housing Dust Testing can be found on the following : ( Link )
You will be able to order Test Kit more or less expensive available by selecting amount of pollutants (Until 100 Pollutants Verification With Nano Quantity Verification)
Sometimes the result might not be explicit or not positive as you were expecting, please keep calm… It can depend of many reason… First try to be kind with the Lab you are contacting because they are dealing with very high amount of contaminated samples that’s a difficult job.
Sometimes Machine migh have some issues to be able to detect correctly, it can be also your exposition or the Samples was not taken in area with lot of product, Sometimes it’s threshold of the Chemical you are checking that might be incorrect also…
Sometimes also be symply related to the type of chemical component tested that was not the same component of the product existing.
You need to know what you are searching to be able to see if the chemical component exist.
If you are sure there is product the best is to find different lab and give feedback in any case to be able to improve situations.
When the test are Positives, What are the Options available ?
If it’s you are the landlord of the house :
The first Act to do as a Citizen is to contact your landlord to understand what happen depending of the situation, if you are the landlord is aware about the contamination to see what is the current situation.
If you are in rental property or you are Landlord of the house and you don’t know what happen :
Contact :
- Your Local MP
- Your Local Environmental Borough Representative.
Contact Free Legal Adviser :
- In case you would like Private Legal Advice you can registering yourself to a Consumer Magazine in UK “Which” Magazine : (Link) paying a little Subscription to the Magazine you will receave free advices from a Legal Adviser.
- Legal Adviser are also providing free advices on Citizen Advice Website : (Link)
Going to the Court :
Regarding Legal Advice in case you need to go to the court you can find Private Law Firm able to represent you. To find Sollicitor please go on the Law Society Website : (Link)
Legal Expert Witness :
Each law firm might have or advise you to contact “Expert Witness” This peoples are Expert available to advise when there is legal issue
You can find Expert Witness on the following (Link).
When you know there is soil contamination you have requested Legal advise what to do after? How to make your garden more Sustainable?
In case your garden have a soil Contamination with chemical. After receiving the confirmation from the Analyse of the Ground. If you would like to Grow Veggies in Organic Way for exemple, there is not so much thing you can do to change a ground that have been contaminated.
You can find more informaiton on the Following (RMC) website : (Link) a possibility have been given for soil contaminated to add Organic Ground ( Around 80 cm ) On the top of the soil contaminated. Sadly it’s the only possibility that can help to make it safer.
There is practically no other solution when the soil have been contaminated removing the ground will not be necessarily the best option. Remember you have to contact also your Environmental Representative from the local Borough to be able to see what happen in the garden.
Garden Science :
By reading this page you then understand the dangerousness of Chemical contamination. That’s the reason why to avoid any risk and bad chemical and soil contamination, we recommend to try to use as much as you can sustainable product to keep the Garden Safe and Better Condition. Pesticide for Gardening is not a Fatality.
I would like also to point something important, regarding chemical related to Farming or Gardening. something important is to understand the complexity of using chemical in any situation. Farming in Organic way or Industrialy is completely different. Farming and Gardening is also completely different.
Chemical depending Generation are also completely different. The Glyphosate have been invented in 1970’s, Glyphosate have revolusionise the way to remove weed ( Weed Killer ) comparing to old chemical generation with Acid.
But remember even if the Glyphosate was better in term of efficiency helping also to reduce cost and quantity of product used (The main avantage of this product)
Remember that what ever you are inventing there is always way to do better. Remember also that what ever we invent there is sometimes problem of use we might not know how to use it properly.
That’s bringing an other aspect to understand that sometimes: “The problem is not what we do, but how we do.”
Science evolve the world changed constantly and it’s getting better, Do not wait the next COP Event for zero carbon. The Carbon reduction is today in front of you. for the planet and your health.
“Before it was different, Now it’s different” ( Les Temps Changes, Mc Solaar )
Some people are there to help in your local “Pesticide Action Network Charity” if you need more details to find Sustainable Alternative please do not hesitate to contact them.
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