
Positive Psychology:

What is “Positive Psychology”, (In French we call it “Psychologies Positive”)

It’s a way to find (Positiveness) in everything it’s helping a lot to keep good mood or simply help to keep motivation globally.

Positive Psychology is sadly sometimes assimilate of being “Naïve”. But we can being Naive without being Positive or Negative Following Definition in Wikipedia :

  • Naivety (also spelled naïvety), naiveness, or naïveté is the state of being naive. It refers to an apparent or actual lack of experience and sophistication, often describing a neglect of pragmatism in favor of moral idealism. A naïve may be called a naïf.

Being Naive is an “Adjective” or “State” and possible “neglect of pragmatism” but we are all more or less sometimes “pragmatic” it can depend of the situation and the context.

A positive mind is a way or action to try to find positiveness in everything it help to look and face difficulties to go further.

Keep positiveness help to “Widen the sphere of possibilities.” Mean also trying to avoid closing possibility to other but also for us.

It’s Virtuous action because keep positiveness help also to avoid to close the eyes regarding situations. If we stay negative mood it can block us more often. We have more ability when we stay positive to go in compassion and help others than staying negative.

Sometimes we can say “Being able to see the ideal behind the difficulties”. As if we are walking on a path and being confronted to difficulties. We can say also “It will get better tomorrow” or “The night gives advice” let’s see the issue tomorrow…

“An other world is possible”, “The important is to carry on” as Cedric Vilany is mentioning in his books French Mathematician winner of Field Medal.

If you try to understand this Sentence : “The important is to carry on” that mean also obviously continue what is “Good” to continue.. but this is not precise.. but “Obvious“.. It’s very interesting sentences based on Logic and Pragmatism showing finally Human are enough intelligent to understand what is good or not to carry on and they will.

Sometimes keeping positiveness help also to keep to think and do with creativity. It generate better motivation to find a way to resolve issue. Even if it’s not possible now, try to keep in mind to go step by step slowly day after day keeping Hope.

“It’s also a way to look other with humanity”

Find a way to stay positive is also helping to stay human helping to get sad when it’s needed… because keep the positive. You cannot get constantly positive sometimes there is sadness moment it’s normal each mood have it’s moment.

Group of multiracial senior people having fun together. Friendship, nursing home and lifestyle concept

Christophe Andrée is a Psychiatric in Hospital Saint Anne in Paris who try to develop Mindfulness (Meditation in French) to help to cure Depression. One of his favorite quote is “Let’s do our best”. Everyone we all have issue sometimes get tired about everything but if it get wrong one day it doesn’t mean the next day it cannot get better.. “Let’s do our best” is also an other way to say as Monthy Python were mentioning it in there movie “Always look on the bright side of life”

Emir Kusturica the Cinematographer is also known to have said : “Without Music I would be Dead or in Prison” Music is sometimes a way to keep positiveness trying to find something that can help to regenerate when the world is falling appart everywhere. It help to stay positive.

There is an expression in french saying “La music adouci les moeurs” mean Music help to slower our hangriness. Listening music is propose for example as therapy to keep good mood. It’s sometimes difficult if you are surrounded by people but music is generally appreciate by everyone and it’s very nice to share it as language we can speak and exchange in harmonies.

Something helping to stay Positive is Mindfulness there is some help you can find on this : Link

And also Eating more healthy following some nutritious advice following this : Link


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