
Nutritious Advices : Vitamin & Food Supplements:

All vitamins are able to be found naturally in food and we have to eat with Balanced Diet to cover all body need. If we look at it, we realise, it’s better to eat with more “Diversity” and “Variation” than “Quantity“.

Vitamin and Food Supplements are sometimes recommended by doctors. Keep asking information to Doctors permit to verify if there is compatibility with our Medical History and Medication, Allergy. It’s also a good way to ask confirmation.

Food Supplements, have to be taken carefully. Some supplement generally contain only “one” Type of Vitamin. If we take Vitamin C Supplement, for example the Vitamin Pills will contain only one sort of Vitamin and this is never occurring in Natural Food.

Vitamin C pills can help in some situation to be part of a Balanced Diet when we catch cold and give sort of Energy Boost, but we can find Vitamin C, in “Kiwi” in High Quantity and other sort of Vitamin also.

It’s reason why we recommend to eat natural food rather than taking vitamin supplement. Basically Vitamin and even supplement can help but never replace completely balance diet with natural product we also mention we have to take them in Complement of Balanced Diet. but never to replace a balanced diet.

However be careful Fruits contain lot of Vitamin but they contain also “Fructose” that is a type of sugar, It’s very important to keep eating fruits everyday (5 Fruits and Veggies a Days) but also keep activity cause fruits can increase risk of “Fatty Liver Disease” if we do not have so much activities and if we do not have good Transit, ( Good to know at least.)

Fruits contain naturally “Fructose” but “Transform product” are containing “Sucrose” or “Glucose” (Wiki Link Sugar). All sugars would be equal to each other following some studies (Honey contain Good Healthy Agents) but is also with High GI ( Glycemic Index ) Level. Depending the Sugar we are eating they would sometime be kept differently in the body. But in any case all Sugar are define as equals regarding Negative Effect. Even sweetener are known to be carcinogen and/or would also increase of Risks regarding Pancreatic Cancer.

If we decide to quit Meat to be Vegan or Vegetarian: We are quite often forgetting to take Food Supplement as “Vitamin B12” or “Amino Acid” cause these Vitamin are contain naturally in Meat and are very important for Health. We think sometimes to go Healthy Diet and Cutting out our Meat Consumption without adapting our diet accordingly. (Vitamin B12 is only available in Meat or Vitamin Supplement, we can also find amino Acid in Quinoa and Buckweet.)

Vitamin Intake depending type of food:

Vitamin Schema Showing draft and example of product associate to each Different Vitamin and good effect on Body.

Even without necessarily being Vegan or Vegetarian; A good way to check if our diet is sufficiently balanced, is to eat “One Egg” and see how we feel.

We might realise feeling better, globally highlighting our Diet is not enough Balanced.

Eggs contain a lot of Vitamin and nutritious molecule detox agents that can help our diet. We can feel the difference even more if we increase Sports Activity. Also Protein from Animal are absorbed at 40 % level but Vegetable Protein are absorbed at around 2% level. But ! do not under estimate Vegetable protein because if you eat only one little portion of Pulse you will also be surprised to feel better.

That’s complex, Eggs consumption is very good for Health but we have to be careful also cause it is recommended to not eat Eggs Everyday. Eggs are very heavy for digestion we have to be aware about it.

David Servan Schreiber. Explain us in his books the Industrial way to Farm Today changed compared to the old Farming way. Eggs have globally strong chance to contain more “Omega6” than “Omega3”. The main reason is the type of Food given to animals, have changed containing more “Mais” and “Soja” than in the past cause of the industrial “Meat Production” related to “Mass Animal Farming Production”.

Mais and Soja contain lot of Vegetable Protein but also more Omega 6 than any other type of food, it’s increasing the Omega 6 in Meat and then increasing Unbalanced of Omega 3 and Omega 6 and Risk of Cancer to Human in long term ( Link ).

In France a Eggs Brand labelled “Bleu Blanc Coeur” is proposing an other way to nourish animal trying to focus specifically with this balanced Omega3 and Omega6. (Link)

But remember also the way to produce Meat is complex. Following some studies (if we keep the current model) We will be oblige to stop to consume Meat comparing to the amount of population related to the Resource Available.

Regarding Diet we might not notice anything wrong but then realise after some times our diet changed. It’s difficult to keep it constantly correct. The important is to remind to keep going to reverify it some time to time.

To feel if our diet is balanced or not, remember the Principe of Eggs it help also “Awareness” to realise how do we feel. (It’s like dealing with with what we feel and act). (Also depending the context awareness can reduce or increased depending situation for example in stress period you might not have the same ability to make distance with your feeling, More we are able to focus more we have ability to stay aware which mean being concious about ourself and our environment around us).

Risk of Cancer can increase in context of Nutritious issue if we stay “Too long” with unbalanced diet it can affect our Organ and Health Globally.

But ! Keep Calm, it is generally random to increase “Sports Activity” and then having “Unbalanced Diet”. The important is to be aware about it and adapt our diet accordingly. Avoiding to stay too long in unhealthy diet status.

By the way do you know that “Being on DIET” for “Weight Reduction” is not so much healthy ?

Good Doctors will explain you if you want to reduce weight one things you can do is simply balance more your diet, the reduction of weight will go through increase of activity.

You can reduce Weight by increasing activity trying to add an objective in long term if you want short term you need to increase a lot your activity but then be careful to adapt your diet accordingly.

Being on Diet have most of the time increase of risk of “YoYo” Diet Effect. You can Loose Weight but the in the end make you take back your Weight quickly. We say also if you loose weight quickly it’s very risky to take back weight quickly. We want the Short cut but it’s generally with some cost and risk about it.

if we focus now on eating Balance Diet something to realise. Is if we decide to stop Eating Dairy product we will miss “Calcium” but we will not really realise anything wrong whereas if we miss “Protein” we will feel it much more easily.

Something to know also is : Some Type Vitamin are in concurrence with each other, it permit to understand the Principe of “Gut Absorption” process.

For example “Iron” and “Calcium” Vitamin concurrence each other, but both Type of vitamin are very important.

Calcium is very important to help to reduce “Bone Cracks” or “Arthritis Risks“… Iron is also very important it help the blood to transport Oxygen to the Brain.

We have to keep both “Calcium and Iron” in sufficient level intake every day (See Nutritious Table) (Spinach or Broccoli, Nash Diet) + (Dairy Product) every day. (See also Nash Diet)

Dairy product are globally containing Lactose. When we are Young our stomach succeed to digest Milk Protein ( Lactose ) but more we are getting older More our Lactose Tolerance get reduce.

Something important to know also is all dairy product do not have the same amount of Lactose. Lactose will be more present in Milk but then less in Yoghurt and even less in Cheese.

If we have less tolerance about Lactose we have possibility to cheese whereas Milk
(But remember Milk can be contain in Transform Product. it’s generally written in Ingredient list on the side of the Packaging. Milk will then contain more Lactose.)

The Milk is known to be a product with Allergy, that is generally then a product known to be product with Food Intolerance.

Food intolerance permit then to understand what can increase our “Gut irritation” we have to feel and see how it goes to see our tolerance and adapt our diet accordingly.

Cheese as explain contain less Lactose permit better Gut tolerance and Absorption But if our Gut is absorbing more, it will also reduce “Transit” it can then also increase indirectly risk of “Fatty Liver Disease“.

This is a sort of Matrix, with lot of interaction and complexity behind it, if we to change or move something in our Diet Matrix kind of, it can also indirectly create other change that’s reason we have to find Balanced Diet and reverify it constantly. We can request help find in Books and Doctors or Nutritious Doctors. Knowing better what is good for us permit then to be better also with others.

For example If we talk about Carbohydrate, Carb’s sometimes are define as “Fiber” recommended to be eaten practically to each meal (Link). It help Muscle, Transit and Digestion process. It is very important if we do Sports.

But we have to be careful to the level of Carb’s we are eating. Carb’s and specially “Wheat” contain “Gluten” depending the type of “Wheat“. Brown Floor and White Floor are not digest in the same way. We recommend to go to Seeded Floor or Brown Wheat Floor that is not refine whereas eating White Floor with Glycemic Index Higher. The reason is the White Floors will go directly to the Blood as Sugar and can create Glycemic Spike which can increase risk of Cancer.

Some product are define with label “Lactose Free” or “Gluten Free” but this product are more advise to people with Allergy.

We say sometimes removing some product (As Gluten) completely can increase the Risk of other Sickness. ( It is better to reduce gluten but keep it in some quantity anyway ) try to find better quality product as Brown (Floor Sordough and Levain) more digest.

The recommendation for “Dairy Products” are also to make variation in Brand we are consuming. (Cause Dairy product are known to have Higher Risk of Contamination) by switching between brand some time to time help to reduce risk of contamination for ourself. (Link).

By the way it’s recommended for Dairy Products but also good to be apply to any other products. Brand Variation and Diet Balance Maintenance, Permit to keep more healthy diet. We might have tendency to enter in Food Routine the risk is to be expose to the same product contamination constantly even if it’s organic.

Something good to know regading Chrono Nutrition ( it is a type of Diet Be Careful see bellow for more details ) is the principe to associate some type of food depending the Clock.

Eating Cheese at the Breakfast and Lunch whereas for the Dinner. Yoghurt and Milk are less heavy than cheese and can be kept for the Dinner. Knowing also food with Intolerance can increase Sleep Problem.

Eating Cheese in the morning is quite helpful because following some studies to help to absorb “Animal Trans Fat” helping to regenerate our Gut “Mucus” avoiding Leaky Gut Syndrome. Rapeseed Oil or ( Pumpkin Seeds, Chia Seed ) contain lot of Omega 3 Very good for Health Anti Inflammatory and regeneration of the guts also.

Leaky gut Syndrome concept.

The Vinegar and Lemon in the Salad are very good for the Digestion help the Liver function but they might sometimes be Acid and increase Headache cause of Mucus getting affected.

(Dr Jean Marie Bourre is recommending in his book to Eat Salad with Vinegar only) If you do not have possibility to Eat Vinegar try to add some topping Seed ( Chia, Lin Seed) and Rapeseed Oil at least.

Gut irritation or Leaky Gut can Increase Transit but also Dehydration. You will not feel very well Mentally but also Physically (Tiredness More than Usual) (Further more since Covid Pandemic)

When our Gut get irritate the way our body is absorbing Water is different. Transit and Food intolerance can increase dehydration. It’s very complex and constant equilibrium (See Hydration Page).

Cancer Research UK propose us a Graph where you can find what to eat for Each Meal :

Some Vitamin have a “Maximum level intake“, we recommend to respect Vitamin Intake prescribe each day. Do not hesitate to contact your doctor regarding this.

Proper Meal preparation is a good way to balance Vitamin following information given by Cook Writer. They have to find Recipe Ideas with taste and respecting a balance diet. They generally follow Recipe coming from Cultural influence with Balance and Taste.

A Good way to start to learn how to cook is take some habits with Recipe.

For example Guardian Newspaper contain Food Recipe Supplement name “Feast” existing also with “Mobile Application” Recipe’s are able to be prepared with “Fun” and “Taste” for occasion, it’s also a Very Good “Cooking” App’s helping to learn how to Cook Easily:

Guardian Feast

Nutrition Books” sometimes are also helpful to see what to prepare regarding our Body need (See the book at the bottom of the page).

An other simple way to increase Vitamin Richness in our Diet, is to eat “Growing Seeds“, as sometimes young children practice at school adding some “Lentil” on a “Cotton” it permit to verify the process of Seed Germination and permit naturally to increase Vitamin Intake.

There is different type of Growing Seed ( You can find more information about this in some specific Shop) It’s not a lot developed from now but probably something that will come more often with time

Some High Ranked Stars Restaurant Chef add sometimes Grow Seed or Flowers on the side of their Meals. Helping for the “Design” and “Beauty” but also permitting to cover Wider Range of Vitamin.

An Other Natural Food Supplement can be found with (Micro Algae) Chlorella, Spirulina and Clamath existing in Asia, Africa and America since million of years. They help us to find balance in our Diet and Detox Process naturally.

Chlorella is even more recommended in situation of Heavy Metal “Contamination” or “Poisoning” helping to increase the Detox Process to protect Organs.

All this (Micro Algae not Seaweed ) are Food Supplement called sometimes “Super Food“. Chlorella is also known to contain “Vitamin A” which is very good for vision. Something to be careful at is to respect the maximum level intake as previously mention cause some vitamin in Food Supplement can also be armful in to high quantity. ( You have to respect the quantity recommended ) ( Contact your doctor for confirmation in any case )

Ethical Consumer Magazine defined a list of Best Sustainable Food Supplements Companies:

You can find a list of “Sustainable Food Supplement” with Brand as “Ethical Nutrition” or “Vega Society – Veg1“:

Ethical-Nutrition” is one of the first Ethical Brand Company trying to find a way to produce Vitamin with “Ethics” meaning also trying to produce Organic Vitamin and with Sustainability Process.

For example “Omega 3” Supplement are produced from “Sea Weed” whereas normally Oily Fish. That’s a process more sustainable and more healthy avoiding “Heavy Metal Contamination” from Sea Pollution but also “Over Fishing” problems.

But remind yourself in any case to “Keep pleasure” in what you are Eating finding Balanced diet with “Natural Food Product” (Fruits, Veggies) in any case.

Trying to avoid “Automatics Habits” and “Ultra Process Food” / “Prepared Meal“.

We have to adjust our diet constantly, it’s good to re-calculate everything some time to time but also keep pleasure and improvisation. (Link)

Dr Jean Marie Bourre propose a book with Nutritious Information giving an overview of all Vitamin to keep Healthy brain. It help to understand what we need to keep a Balanced Diet:

(This Book is in French only I will try to to find an Alternative Book in English.)

If you read it, you might notice for example eating “Pulse” also call “Dried Vegetable” contain very large amount of important Vitamins. (Practically all Vitamin B needed) but keep in mind Pulse can also irritat our Gut and then reduce the Global Absorption for all other type of vitamin. Pulse is recommended not more than twice a week. (Link)

Some other books as “Chrono Nutrition Books” propose some information regarding how to eat food at the best moment of the day (Depending the Clock).

As previously mention keep in mind Jean Marie Bourre books on Chrono Nitrition are define as “Diet Books“.

As Previously mention Diet Books are globally written in objective to stay “Healthy” or “Reducing Weight” but if we start to look at “Diet” we might enter in “Protocol” and “Guidelines” that might create “Over Calculation” and increase risk of Yo-Yo Diet Effect creating problem with healthy lifestyle in the end.

Over Calculating Diet can also sometimes make us adopting Toxic habits increasing risk of over eating some type of food we are not eating with pleasure any more by following protocol.

Also some type of Food in too high quantity can be toxic for example “Fish”… on the evening can increase “Salt Intake” and can increase Dehydration. It is recommended to not “Eat Fish” more than twice a week, with one “Oily Fish“. Find more information on (Nutritious Table) following Consumer Magazine recommendation.

All this information help us to have mental pictures of what is recommended to do for meal every day. You can find here some example about Chrono Nutrition Diet :

In the Morning : As previously mention, It’s good Idea to eat Cheese or Butter ( As previously mention very good for our Body to find “Animal Fat” permitting to reconstitute our “Gut Mucus” ) ( Personally I prefer to Eat Cereal but also Good Quality Bread with Butter or Cheese ) ( “Butter” is also known to be Very Good for the Brain with Synapse connection but be careful to the amount of salt you eat in the morning because of risk of getting dehydrated very quickly Link ) ( Not removing Salt completely but also drinking plenty of Water or Tea before or after breakfast ).

At lunch : Eating Healthy as usual (See previous information in this page) or ( Link )

At 4 PM : Sweets, Oleaginous fruits (Nuts) or Oily Fruits (Avocado, Dark Chocolate) also (Vegan Omega 3) are advised to be eaten. helping to cut hungriness with Oily Fruits and increasing Sleep Hormone for the night. Be careful with Nuts try to Keep “A Little Hand” Depending “Type” of Nuts it might create Intolerance or Allergy. Nuts are also know to change mood depending your Tolerance and Activity. ( Be careful also to “Avocado” and “Chocolate” that increase your level of Potassium ( Link ) )

For the Diner : Eating preferably “Light” but eat something in any case. (We recommend sometimes to eat: Bread, Protein and Butter at least)you can also eat white Meat less fat as for exemple example “Poultry“, “Turkey“, “Chicken” or “Fish” (see bellow*) and “Green Veggies“. (*As Previously mention be careful with “Fish” in the Evening cause it can increase Salt and Dehydration level. Do not eat “Fish or Crustacea” more than Twice a week Following recommendation (Link).)

Something Important to be aware about, is if you have impression to have your mind Full of thought like your Brain Getting over Thinking constantly as a “Turning Loop” it is very often cause something is missing, your body need something as :

  • Protein : You have lack of protein compared to your Activities during last few days,
  • Dehydration : You are currently too much Dehydrated possibly since last few days,
  • Sleeping : You do not got enough sleep since last few days,
  • Food respecting Gut Irritation : The Food you have eaten make your Gut Irritate reducing Absorption increasing dehydration or simply Food was too Salty.

As previously mention a mind disturb full of thought means something have not be done properly regarding Healthy Lifestyle. Just be aware about it in objective to correct it slowly and re-adapt diet accordingly. Our Body react as when we were “Baby” crying asking to Eat or Drink. remind yourself also it need few days to recover from something needed sometimes.

Eating Snack can increase Risk of Taking Weight. Drinking generally help a lot already See (more information on Hydration Page ) ( more information on Nutritious Page ).

A Mind Disturb Full of Thought can also be increase in case you are living in environment toxic cause it will also affect indirectly your Absorbtion and Hydration process. (More information on Sustainability Page).

Try to keep informations related to your Gut and DNA confidential cause this is very sensitive informations your information have to be kept private, If someone rob and use this information it can be punished by law as any other crime. Try to avoid to share this information with other people than your Doctor. It’s your Genetic Patrimony ( Highly sensitive information as financial information as amount of money on your Bank Account cause of DNA information )

And remember if you change your diet try to always requestioned it some time to time, Do not forget to keep Variation, Diversity in Food Product and Brand, and keep pleasure following Nutritious Books and Information.


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