Women Wearing Organics Grown Veggies in a Wood Box.

Organic Food

Eating correctly mean also try to buy good “Quality Products” as much as possible, if the product are bought locally you know better the origine but also the norme of Farming respected. Helping Local Farming permit to avoid as much as possible amount of interlocutors selling products. Going to local product help to reduce Transport, Processing and Permit to increase Farmer revenue who can then have better ability to produce Food Quality and Food Processing.

Growing Organics Fruits and Veggies is something more difficult to do than usual Farming. But it’s healthiest way to do for the Consumer but also the Farmer.

Field contamination are increasing the carbon generated for many reasons. ( We do not necessarily mesure only Carbon CO2 Impact in Athmosthere we mesure Carbon Everywhere which mean also, on the level of Ground Contamination, Wild Life Diversity and so on).

We might sometimes think Organic Food “Will always have pesticide” or will be “Too expensive“:

  • It’s true that sometimes very few times pesticides are used in very small quantity for Organic Farming. But the requirement impose very strict amount for them and it’s only few product not the majority. This mean the quality are not a all comparable.
  • Buying “Organic” food permit mathematically to increase Sustainability and Healthy Farming. It mean financing healthy way straight away as Investing in the Sustainable Farming every week.
  • Price of Organic food reduced a lot during the last few years. Cause the amount of Organic Food product have increase during the last 10 years. We can confirm we have today practically equal price between “Organic” and “Not organic” Food Products, which is giving us nothing in comparison regarding quality.
Panoramic food background with assortment of fresh organic fruits and vegetables for a balanced diet. Healthy food concept

The Soil Association” give an exemple of charity, NGO created in objective to give an “Organics Label” for Food Products :

Soil Association help people who would like to do Organic Farming with Chart, Specification regarding use of pesticide (The requirement of the Soil Association is to request to the Soil to not have receaved pesticide during a certain amount of year (Around 5 years) the Orgarnic parcel have to be at a certain distance from other Fields with Pesticides)

The product are also tested constantly to verify amount of Pesticide. It respond to treshold and chart for Food Quality Production. Food product can be refused as organic if the Pesticide amount are crossing treshold or simply detected.

The Soil Association Charity Website give good advices regarding Sustainability how to take care about Wild-Life Diversity and Sustainability.

Multiple Companies in UK propose “Organic Food” or propose Organic Parcel Delivery :

You can find a list of companies on Ethical Consumer Website

Two of the most well Known Companies proposing Organic Food Products Delivery :

“RiverFord” :

“Abel And Cole” :

A farmer tending to indoor crops in a vertical farming setup, growing fresh produce year-round.


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