How Protect our Vision and Sight ?
Do you know that our Sight and Vision are one of the most sensitive part of our Body ?
“Eyes” are very very fragile organ further more if we have Toxic or Unsustainable Environment around us.
There is multiple way to protect our Vision and Sight.
1) Optician Visit:
The first things is we have be sure to see our “Optician Every Year” or “Every Two Years” at least (Depending our Ages or Condition)
Eyes have already some natural protection protecting against external aggression but sometimes the aggression can be more intense than usual and it’s a moments we have to be careful and see our Optician.
The best protection for eyes is first the “Glasses” or “Sun Glasses” Both are very very important whatever happen Glasses from the Optician are design with mandatory UV protection.

2) Eyes Drops:
When we visit our Optician or Optometrists some product help to keep good Hydration Level and sometimes also can help to Clean our Eyes. In case we receive Dust in our eyes for example it exist some product that have equivalent chemical composition than Tears to remove the dust very softly avoiding to add our finger in our eyes. ( Please keep in mind to discuss about it with your optician, Eyes Drops are recommended in some situation but can also get wrong with Allergy, Only Optician can advise you on eyes drop do not hesitate to discuss about it with them, good to know at least)
3) Protecting Eyes from Sun Light:
One of the most biggest risk for Damaging our Vision, Cornea it’s to look on the Sun Light without UV protection.
If we keep working outside in the Garden for example without protection but it can be also in the mountain for example cause of the Light Reflection on the snow.
Everyone have already done it when you were young, looking at the Sun and hearing someone letting us know we should not by the way during an eclipse we have to wear specific sun glasses protection regarding Sun Light and UV.
We have to wear good quality Glasses with good UV protection even without looking at the sun as previously mention. As soon you are going outside work and get exposed to the Sun Light. The Glasses from Optician have Lenses with UV protection for our Eyes.
Any plastic glasses from any shop without “UV protection” are generating a “Fake” Shade for Eyes and Vision increasing openness for the “IRIS” and making “UV Light” Coming to our Eyes and destructing our Cornea.

We have to be very careful constantly
One of the most important moment to protect our vision is when we receive Eyes Operation generally for older people after a certain age some sickness for vision is occurring so then we have to be operate from the eyes but this is the moment our eyes get the most Sensitive.
4) Heavy Metal Contamination:
If someone is Victim from Heavy Metal contamination something to know is following some information taking supplement food as Chlorella, is also helping further more in case of Heavy Metal contamination, if you look at it, chlorella can help to increase Vitamine A that is very good for the Vision but also help to increase the Detox Process level with principle of “Chelation” ( Link ) it help to remove heavy metal from the Body.
Food Supplement are also recommended on a side of an Healthy Diet you can find more information on the (Link) and (Link).
5) Information for Eyes Injuries from NHS Website:
6) Information from RNIB ( Royal National Institute for Blind People ) Charity :
- RNIB Website : (Link)

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