Doing a “To-Do” List:
Do you know what is the a “To-do List” ?
A “To-Do List” Permit to have a list of task to organise ourself. It’s a way organise with priority and trying to write ideas to not forget to do anything.
“Post-It” Method:
“Post-It” Method is an other Way to work with high level project. If you test it, try to do it in Safe Area in front of a wall To avoid any security data privacy leak.
We use it quite a lot in IT with Dev Agile team when we Build or Design a Product or Application.
“Post-It“ Method, have the same principle regarding a project. When a “Post-It” is written we can move it as an entity in the real world. The idea is now existing physically materialised by a “Sticky note“.
Make Idea released from our mind on a Paper or Sticky not or Todo list make us progressing more easily.
Mc Solaar in his song “Prose Combat” say’s “Mon cerveau est pour mon stylo le moteur” which mean (“My Brain is for my Pen the Motor“) and it’s true writing somewhere what we think permit to make it exist, it permit to materialise it.
Thinking, Writing can be seen maybe as a “Motor” to progress things around us, Sometimes we have impression nothing is moving or working wheras it’s good to try to remember “The more important is the progression to focus on“. ( Link )
Whatever happen Keeping Going Step by Step to Focus on “The Progression” whereas expectations and objectives.
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