
Enjoy and Find Yourself by Practising Art:

Art is everywhere can be seen, Heard or Watch, Read on a Book, Magazine, Press or Listening to the Radio, Practice ourself, play alone on in group basically using all of our sense ability and techniques.

We mention sometimes Sub Category of Art are define as the following list :

  1. architecture
  2. sculpture
  3. painting
  4. music
  5. literature, including poetry and prose
  6. the performing arts, including dance and theatre
  7. film and cinema
  8. “les arts médiatiques”, including radio, television, and photography
  9. comics
  10. video games, or digital art forms more generally[4]

The information from wikipedia precise we are not agreeing on the 11th art yet and “Disputes about what does and does not count as art continue to occur today..”

There was some dispute regarding existence definition of “Major” and “Minor” Art. (Some artist as French Musician “Serge Gainsbourg” have been known to have this dispute publicly showing his position regarding this difference.

Gainsbourg did a separation and highlight the difference of song play in the piano of two piece of Music showing there was a difference

( Possibly the “Term” Major and Minor used by Gainsbourg might not be appropriate ) possibly cause it is highlighting an “Order” that can rely to difference of “Value” which is incorrect here.

But where is was right is possibly highlighting there is difference between two styles. Because we have to be very careful with this order categorisation

The Artist “Claude Nougaro” replied possibly later on to “Serge Gainsbourg” in his song ” ” mentioning Serge was drinking a “Better” Alcohol on the other side of the River now” we can possibly see this allusion of Claude Nougaro comparison of Alcohol and Art also related possibly Gainsbourg changing his name as Gainsbar he was also notoriously known to be sulphurous personality.

We can also says Claude Follow Serge in this idea of comparison but Claude use also Irony to highlight it. Pointing also possibly his Sulphurous personality. The Principe of the River is used showing also two sides of the river.

( Sometimes we mention “Mainstream” this term seems more appropriate ) Mainstream does not do reference to any meaning of “Value” or “Order” also it is something that can change depending culture and influence. It change a lot and that’s everything here historically.

We can possibly see in our century Art Everywhere as Water. Part of everything around us flowing along river until ocean.

Someone ask a question to Churchill during the Second World War against Totalitarian and Anti-Semitism regarding Cultural investment. Asking him if we can cut cultural expense. Churchill replied by a question asking “What would be the point to fight if we stop the culture ?

There is something that exist quite lot in UK it’s the Crafting Culture. You can find it everywhere even at work place with group and club. Shop’s exist in the street as ‘Hobby Craft’ helping people who would like to practice any activities, you can buy some equipment depending what you would like to do.


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