
“The Walking Path, Objectives and Progression”

If we talk about Objective and Progression, walking exercise can be seen sometimes as a personal achievement for the day.

If we think about it when we decide to go for a walk there is a “Departure” and “Destination“, focusing constantly on the destination objective, will not be so much encouraging further more if we have “Long way to go“. Focusing in our progression help to stay positive in a group of peoples.

When we are all toguether but this also can be apply if we are alone keep going to imagine we are progressing in a walking path is something Mentally helpful whatever we do. Imagine walking with other, but thinking we are all walking in a different Paths or “Different Mountains” or “Island” is as “Looking on the bright side of life“.

We are all different with different skills, new thing to bring, all of us. In a group of people as a Team for anything at work or in Sports Club it a purpose of a Team to have a scope covering all skills. So finally are we really in competition all of us? In fact ? It’s like having a Run Sprint but with people completely Different taken by hasard in population. Taking 5 peoples in the all population will bring lot of difference.

We generally are all different, even if we have some common point. Realising we are all different permit to reduce “Stress“, “Jalousie” or “Competition“. It can simply mean helping Fairplay.

A team with less “Jalousie” or “Competition” is finally a team that will work at it best…

Being “Jealous” or “Competitive” will never make you “Win” Something really well, it’s an illusion.

You can obtain what you want but the price of it will be so much more expensive than winning with Fair play. If the Jalousie and Competition are occurring in a team the risk is a generation of Toxic Atmosphere and increase of Stress inside, outside place where you work or meet people.

Having sort of mental picture of ourself and people around will finally help to stay focus on our own work without necessarily using half of the brain thinking to the competition. It help progression between people sharing information sharing congrats.

There is also no best or worst position between Peoples” in a group of people. We can say also sometimes “Il n’y a pas de sous metier” “There is not Under Rated Work

You might have noticed sometimes if you are in a Group of people Walking or doing Bicycle Together Everyone have globally difficulty to be on the last position of a group. Mentally its generally difficult imagining your are the “Last” it’s sort of feeling to be the “Loser” It’s sound socially weak and no one want to be at this position.

But when we really think about it even if it’s Human feeling a group of people Walking/Running all together there is always mathematically someone on the last position is that so much important to focus on this specific place of loser because finally we can all be Hero… or loser there is not really hero or loser. It’s simply mental.

The problem is when people see other as a loser. It’s unversed mirror in fact.

By relaxing ourself, and helping to realise there is no bad place “No bad Wagon” permit everyone to realise there is no best and worsed position in this condition in this context.

It help to “Reduce” or “Remove” “Jalousie” and ” Over – Competition” that exist everywhere, it help to reduce stress increasing then better communication everything get facilitate. I think the more important is then the creativity emerging on this. By reducing stress we have better ability to find ideas.

You cannot really be creative in “Stressful or Toxic Environment” and that’s exactly what we are trying to do with this Website.

Our Healthinyourplanet website objective is to help to give Health Advice to avoid getting stress and Depressed. There is Good Stress but we do not even talk about this because getting less stress will not make you sleepy.

As an example do you know sometimes we say, Our career progression will generally have better success around a cup of coffee than working alone “pushing ourself in a corner”. When we have better relationship with other we have then ability to Work at our best receiving important informations, it permitting self fulfilment to succeed what we want in our career. When we succeed to maintain “Virtuous Cycles” it help to maintain Creativity and then maintain this Virtuous Cycles and so on.

We are sometimes in a group of peoples achieving task together in our life, but we also having different skills, we are all different basically. It help to reduce our ambition to compare ourself to other. We are all together finally, all different, but all having something to bring.

Keeping ourself with reduce stress permit also to help to share things. Creating Virtuous Cycles constantly everywhere and that’s generally well working. It’s finally profiting to everyone and permit better achievement.

It’s difficult to be constantly with this mindset but if people realise the interest of someone doing virtuous Cycles it’s globally getting contagious, People helping sharing Bringing Virtuous Cycles themself also, helping other is helping ourself, it’s like the idiom “Help yourself, The sky will help you“.

We say also sometimes “Courage” as “Take Care” or “Good Luck” what ever the road you have, good and bad day, we are all together in the end.

All focusing in our progression staying positive and realising we are all different doing the same things with a different path, it help to stay creative, to achieve much more for our self development at our best possible.

Mindfuness teacher explain us sometimes, Our Brain like’s what is good for itself, but over thinking will train our brain in wrong direction. It’s never too late, all can be rebuild, as Mahatma Gandhi was mentioning (Resuming finally everything) as making :

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”

– M.K. Gandhi


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