Stay “True” – Rester “Vraie”
It’s Probably something the most important in Life.
How can we be ourself, if we are Untrue with Ourself and Others around. Staying in the truth is probably a way similar to avoiding too much “Artifice” or removing our “Poker Face”, Trying to stay ourself, “Natural” despite high amount of stress and responsibility.
Avoiding “Mask(s)“, “Protective Suit“, trying to show ourself “As we are“, As the Song of Gloria Gaynor: “I’m what I’am“, or the Grung Rock Band named Nirvana, “Come as you are“.
“Rester Vrai“, in French. It’s difficult to keep constantly, this objective because it’s idealistic… But if we look at people who make their Marks on the History, Country, Politics, Culture, as “Madiba Nelson Mandela”. It’s probably possible sometimes to access to a level of Truth maybe can be also call as idealism cause of the status of this person but in any case there is sort of “Wisdom” that come as sort of coat.
The book of David Servan Schreiber “Our Body Love Truth” Invite us to try to stay in the Truth keeping also the importance of taking care of us and other. But there is also the last Book of David named “We can Say Goodbye Multiple Times” It’s an expression possibly explaining that sometimes some situation are sounding Strange or Broken. Even if we want to stay in Truth constantly we are always confronted to some situation sounding untrue or broken…Even if it’s not “Really” the case, this mean maybe also staying true is keeping in our mind there is always some situation sounding “Broken” it’s not possible to stay true constantly.
“Being Untrue” mean possibly “Play as an Actor” as when we go to the Piece to the Theatre. But Actors play’s are dedicate to Theatres, Actors are knowing there role and can avoid to be constantly in there role in real life also. We can sometimes play for Fun as Doing a Show.
Do you know the expression: “In cars by night I grill all Red Signals…. But if I Get Caught ! I say the truth …”
Sometimes we might have to play as actors to cover something not really necessary to be said as for example Funeral… it can be anything else sometimes things cannot be said in the normal way. Sometimes staying in sadness is sometimes not possible. We all have sometimes to keep hiding behind Sun Glasses. Sometimes things are complex.
For funeral as we says sometimes “There is time for everything” regarding our emotion as the death of someone we have “Sadness but we have also Joy” it’s not wrong to feel both cause each emotion as it’s moment we should not necessarily need to be shy about this.
“Abd Al Malik” in his song “Valentin” explain this quite well by saying “In Africa we are Singing and Dancing when it’s the end”.
Staying True mean also being ourself possibly related also to our “World influence” and “Context“.
“Tell It Like it Is”
As giving “Feedback“, It can be a way to say, about what we see, or about what we think interesting to “Highlight“. Open ourself with openness, or taking things how they are, Reacting to them following our “Own” character our “Own” self. It’s a mixture of taking things Seriously but without being constantly serious, it’s helping to keep attentiveness on the more important. helping to keep everyone with “Foot on the ground” as the expression mention also.
Do you know that Children likes “The Coherence“, Why ? because they like to feel safe, it’s a way for them to Rely on Reality. To rely on what is occurring around them. In the same topic, Children do not support Irony cause they do not understand it, they think it’s a way that people are laughing at them.
Irony is the unversed of being true cause Irony is generally a play, It can be for fun sometimes but strongly not recommended with children.
When we get Depressed it affect a lot our Mood as the way we are seeing life, Sticking to the Reality or starting to Imagine our life in unreal, Alternative world.
By the Way our Way to stay true sometimes depend regarding our Mood, sometimes “Mindfulness Teacher” or “Yogi” propose a test to verify if we are stressed. Simply add our both Hands in a Bucket of Cold Iced Water.
When we are depressed we are not able to keep our hands long this Cold Iced Water, Whereas if we are happy we are feeling fine to keep our hand longer in the Water.
It’s Basically cause when we are depressed our Nerves and Synapses connection get hurt constantly. It’s like becoming Over Sensitive, our Brain get too much Solicitation. When we do our Shopping or going out, It make our Emotional Brain getting higher comparing to our Logical Brain.
That’s a moment we generally cannot feel fine mentally and of course also to stay true with other because we are in Constant Over Emotional State. Life can be hard depending our life. We can be “Millionaire” or “Very Poor” we all have possibility to not feel fine one day.
Something we notice globally also is when we go down regarding sort of “Society class or Social Stairs” we generally realise more we go down more it’s hard to be comfortable.
The poor people are generally the more exposed to health issue cause of Environmental issue but then also impact related to there location ability to access to education and so on..
As we Mention in the book of “Christophe Andree, Mathieu Ricard, Alexandre Jolien” are sharing with us in their Book’s, “In The Search of Wisdom” Something that is helping to lowering our Ego is the following :
“To be.. and keep going to be.. Thanks-full to Everyone”
Staying True help also to lower our Ego cause of this proximity and ability to keep people with us
That’s a way to lower our Ego and continue to look people in there eyes. As virtuous cycle, it help us to realise we are “All together”.
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