How Memory Work? How to help our Memory?
Our Memory is something that is changing constantly during our life sometimes we mention “The Neuroplasticity of the Brain” To mention globally our Brain ability to change and regenerate itself as health globally with ups and downs but with Age and Times, Memory slowly decrease.
But even if Memory is decreasing slowly there is multiple way to entertain our Memory (Long Term Memory for “Old souvenir” 10 years ago or Short Term Memory when we try to remember things 5 mins ago) Both are important but also depending our mood confidence or stress.
We say sometimes forgetting things help also to reduce stress permitting to increase happiness. Both actions (Remembering things) but also (Forgetting things) are important. By the way do you know in Data Protection it exist also the “Right to be Forgotten” This is a very important Right and can be oppose to “The Duty of Remembrance” as we say in History.
Something important regarding Memory is it work by “Association” and it can be also compare as a “Muscle” more you make it work more you will remember things. An expression exist “Use It or Lose It” and memory is also working like that as a muscle we have to use it some time to time otherwise it get reduce and difficult to use exactly as other muscles.
There is some simple exercises we can do to work on our memory, without any efforts just by adopting new habits :
- The first idea that we can all do easily to help to work on our Memory and keep old souvenir as the rapper “Disiz La Peste” explain in his song : “Le pasee comme un petit musee, je m’y promene pour me faire du bien, je les guardes, je les guardes, je les guardes, mes souvenirs sont des pages sur les toiles” (The past as a “Small Museum”, I’m walking on to keep myself well, I keep them, I keep them, I keep them, my souvenir are pages on paintings). Keeping old Pictures and Keep looking at them sometimes help to entertain memory without effort it’s also a nice way to keep contact with our friends and Family it give nice warm feeling after looking at them globally.
- Something also proposed by the Mathematician Cedric Villani ( Medal Fields Winner ) in his autobiographical Book Birth of a Theorem: A Mathematical Adventure (2015). Every Evening before the End of the day Laying Down on the floor as the Yoga Position of “Corpse Pose” (“Savasana”) as “Resting Pose” and try to relax ourself for few minutes doing some little breath exercise or anything relaxing and try to remember all the moment of the day one by one chronologically. As if we were reviewing our Day and then we can at the end of the Week try to remember all the event occurring during each Week.
- Memory work by association, if we forgot things, by simply going in the same situation and doing the same things help to the Brain and Memory to remember things more easily.
- Also if we forgot completely something a way to remember is using association trying to remind something around the thing we forgot it help the souvenir to get back more easily.
- Sometimes if we want to remember something and we have difficulty, the best is to not insist too much.. just simply stop thinking about it and after 10 min thinking back again it can help also to remember.
- Something we have chance sometimes to know is a Friends or Family member who when we meet remind us past discussion or situation it help the group memory to remind by being multiple to remind something everyone success to add something that have been forgotten, by talking about them it help to remember.
- Having good Healthy Lifestyle, Avoiding stress, Doing Mindfulness, Eating Healthy, having good Sleep and Good Hydration level is also helping a lot Memory following (Link)
Something also to know regarding memory is more we are confident more Memory work.
Do not hesitate to talk about any problem with your Doctors regarding memory it’s their job to be with you for that do not worry to explain your issues or concerns, you can also find groups of people and charity helping to learn techniques to entertain memory and play with it.
Please also do not worry so much if you forgot things it’s also something we do to avoid too much stress as we mention. There is sometimes things we forgot more often depending our mood.
Our Memory is selective but we should not worry so much, Because of the Neuroplasticity of The brain, in any case keep trust in yourself and in your Memory, keep looking to your old pictures and old souvenir it’s quite a good way to entertain Memory.
Keeping old pictures to review them some time to times even it’s very good way to remind and keep maintaining your memory.
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