How to protect our Identity in our Citizen Life ?
Computer and Digital Life evolve a lot with Time. The Computer Sience and Internet Of Things Science evolve with Time, It came more and more in our social life. Internet get more and more it place around and between us present in all our Daily Life.
We generally use Social Network regarding our Relationship with our Friend, Colleagues to Share Data Content, Services as simply Buying Things on Internet.
But when IT ( Information Technology ) Grow, our habits changed more and more also.
Around 2010 the Open Source Community, Linux Community start to alert people regarding Danger of “GAFA” as contraction of major IT Companies Named “Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple“. Regarding dangerousness of Data Privacy data collection and Over Use of Private Information (Data Collection).
Around 2015 European Union Commission bing a new Law Policy named “GDPR” “RGPD in French” Meaning “General Data Privacy Regulation” (Policy)
This policy Helped us a lot to remind the importance of the “Data Privacy“, Even if some company collect our information we have the right to choose what we want to share. And this Call have been heard more and more in Computer Science world.
Data Privacy and Personal information are very important for everyone. It’s Part of our Identity. We have to respect Personal Information from other but also Protect our identity. We can publish personal data but it’s our own decision what we want to do with them because it’s personal and private information.
Protecting our Identity is in fact as protecting us from the External world (Outside or from others), Protecting Ourself help to bring back sort Mental Digital Barrier, That might sound terrible as if we were suddenly in Prison. But it is more similar as a mental barrier than really “Physical Barrier”
We also (as other link on other page reminding us) have to relearn how to share our information and others information, in respect of our own self and other self.
Helping us to return to our ownself to be have “A better” Together
“The GAFA” collecting our information bring voluntarily or Involuntary the attention in the Computer Science, IT Scientist, to Requestions them self to Re-think “What do we do?” and “How we are doing?“.
IT bring a very good reaction from Open Source Community that help everyone to rethink the importance of all our ownself Tiny Informations further more part of our Identity further more in “IT“, Literally “Information Technology“.
IT, Help us to share information as it purpose, we have even more interest to be careful to define what is good to keep restrict and what we can share openly. It help us all to understand what is important.
Remember also
If on day some information get publish regarding yourself and was untrue or without your consent. As we say sometimes “An other world is possible” meaning also first nothing is definitive this can be Legally Pursue.. But also if some information have been steal or high-jack without your consent this can be punish by law and also Retrieve or Remove legally in respect of Justice and Human Right.
Do not hesitate to give Feedback to anyone if you think someone still have been still or have been exploited without your concent. Everything can be verify and investigate. All you have to do is contacting the Support of any instance where you found this information. You can also contact Governement or Citizen Advice Website.
It’s might sounds very difficult work too big… but not so much.. This small act is very important it’s your personal information, all Act Matters, It’s your private information, the importance to act is necessary. If you protect your Personal Information, you protect everyone.
Your personal informations about yourself are “Valuable” and you have good reason to be careful and protect them.
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