Good Deed / (B.A : Bonne Action):
The Idea is simplistic but very well helping the world to work better around us. In french we say “BA” / “Bonne Action” doing “BA” mean doing “A Bonne Action” ( “A Good Deed” ), It’s something as an expression sometimes we say ( This is my Good Deed of the day ).
Sometimes as we say if everyone was doing a good deed everywhere finally the world would work better than today. Christophe Andree Mindfulness Teacher explain in his blog Link : (We can hesitate between Nostalgia or Progress but) : “Les chiffres sont là et ils sont clairs…”, “The Statistic are there and are clear : the world is progressing in all domain : less Violence, More Education, More Health, More Democratia, More Empathy, and More Fraternity.”
That’s sometimes difficult, helping people without being intrusive need lot of patience it’s something we can only learn with time and help also, but there is also lot of people in need without noticing it. I say people but sometimes even doing act as Citizen is also helpful for everyone.
The website: “CaCommenceParMoi.org” permit to find some idea what we can do as some action to help people or the planet for example one of action propose is to collect Dirty Rubbish or Anything from the soil and add it to the Bin. The action is define as “Bring one Rubbish Paper from Public Footpath to the Bin Every day”.
Simply as giving blood it’s something that is very needed and we do not think to do it often.
In Uk there is also a Very Good Website : www.do-it.life
The website is helping to find some charity to help people around us for example : Giving time to RNIB ( Royal National Institute for Blind People) or Giving time to help to train “dogs” to make them helping Blind People.
There is lots of different charity that need volunteers It’s Win Win.
David Servan Schreiber regarding Anticancer book mention :
Something to help yourself to avoid cancer is : Get involved: Find out how you can best give something back to your local community, then give it.
This is very good for for your own good mood but also mood for others (It’s Virtuous Process) it help to feel fine and cultivate Happiness.

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